Jarett & Jeremy’s Story: Twice the Love

When Jarett and his husband, Jeremy, began their journey with Surrogate Solutions, they were prepared for the match process to take a while. They were fine with waiting several months since they were still in the process of working with an egg donor to create their embryos. As it turned out, the wait was much shorter than they ever imagined.

“It only took four days!” Jarett shares. “We were on vacation in the Bahamas, and the agency called to say they might have a match. We had a Zoom meeting with our potential surrogate, Kiely, as soon as we got back, and we clicked with her immediately. She checked every box and then some. We couldn’t have imagined a better surrogate.”

The first transfer with a single embryo was successful and Jarett and Jeremy, along with Kiely and her husband, Dean, all eagerly awaited the first ultrasound. They were in for a huge surprise when the sonogram revealed that Kiely was carrying twins!

“We had joked about it being twins, but never thought it would happen because there was only a 3% chance of the embryo splitting,” Jarett says. “Dean said this pregnancy was different than all of Kiely’s previous pregnancies because she was more emotional. It made sense after we learned she had two little girls inside of her!”

Jarett, who prefers names that work for either a boy or a girl, says he and Jeremy had already decided on the name Sawyer. Once they learned they were having twins, they chose Sutton as the second name. “I’m very much the planner and organizer,” Jarett says. “I had a running list of names and was ordering double of the baby items we had already purchased and having them monogrammed while we were on the flight home.”

The delivery day in June 2022 was an emotional one for Jarett and Jeremy. Sawyer was born first and arrived quickly while Sutton was delivered via an emergency C-section. She was unresponsive and had to be resuscitated, then was quickly whisked off to the NICU.

“We had every emotion, joy and terror all at the same time, plus we were concerned about Kiely with the C-section,” Jarett explains. “Once we were able to get into our own room and decompress it was pure bliss. Sawyer was so beautiful and perfect. Then, we got word that Sutton would be fine, and we could see her in a few hours. We were over the moon.”

Today, Jarett and Jeremy are soaking up every moment with their beautiful girls. “It’s fun to see their personalities taking shape,” Jarett says. “We all had our guesses about how they were going to be. We thought Sutton would be the more dramatic one because she was always kicking and moving around. She is definitely more vocal and will probably be how we anticipated. Sawyer is mellow and a very calm baby. They were both sleeping through the night by three months old, so we’ve been very lucky.”

Jarett adds that the best part is how excited the girls get whenever they see their dads. “When we walk into a room and they smile and reach for us, I just melt. They are so excited to see us and have so much love for us – nothing beats that.”

When asked what they are most looking forward to in the future, Jarett says it’s the experiences they will get to share with their girls and the conversations they will have as they grow up. “I’m so interested to see how they develop and learn and become their own people,” he says. “As twins, I’m also looking forward to seeing their relationship grow with each other and how alike or different they will be. And if they will be pulling twin pranks on us as they get older!”

Thank you, Jarett and Jeremy, for sharing your beautiful family! Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions is committed to guiding and supporting intended parents throughout the surrogacy journey. If you are considering surrogacy as a path to parenthood and would like to learn more, please reach out to our team at Info@CreateAHappyFamily.com.


We help Intended Parents Create Happy Families via Egg Donation & Surrogacy  with the help of caring Egg Donors & Surrogates. 

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