Waiting for Your Baby’s Delivery

Pregnancy is often viewed as an exciting journey. However, with a surrogate journey, Intended Parents are not carrying the baby and can feel disconnected or impatient. A few ways to play an active role during the pregnancy include working to build a strong bond with your Surrogate and sharing the exciting news with friends and family. 

Many Intended Parents find preparing their home and life for the addition of a child takes effort. Here are a few healthy and helpful ways to nest and get ready for the delivery of your surrogate baby. 

  • Get your home baby-ready. Many times “nesting” can look like organizing. However you choose to prepare your home for baby, you will want to create a space for welcoming baby home. Many parents start by organizing the nursery, baby-proofing all rooms, and giving your home a good cleaning and disinfecting. 
  • Cook meals in advance. Start early to save time (and energy) later! Once the baby has arrived, you’ll thank yourself for having a variety of dishes in your freezer that can be heated up at any time. Not every family will have people bringing them meals when the baby arrives. Having meals ready to go will give you one less thing to worry about when your family dynamics change overnight. 
  • Discuss the serious stuff. Now is the time to start tackling important matters like wills, guardians, and caregivers. The unexpected can happen at any time, and talking these matters over with your partner will help both of you felt prepared should the need arise. Do your research and talk to potential caregivers to make sure they’re on board. 
  • Organize your hospital kit. You’ll want to make sure you have everything you need to get your baby home comfortably! Get your car seat installed and pack the baby’s swaddling blanket and going-home outfit. If you will be traveling and staying in a hotel for the baby’s delivery, get your suitcase or overnight bag ready, as well. 

Although you are not physically carrying your child, there is still plenty to do to prepare for the baby’s arrival! Getting your home and life ready in advance not only helps the waiting time pass quickly, it will also give you peace of mind. If you would like more information on preparing for the delivery of your surrogate baby, please contact Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions today! 



We help Intended Parents Create Happy Families via Egg Donation & Surrogacy  with the help of caring Egg Donors & Surrogates.

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