What is Cord Blood?

Leukemia, Lymphoma, Tumor, Blood Disorders, Cancer, Immune Disorders, Metabolic Disorders… How are we going to save our children from all these diseases??

It’s estimated that a patient in the US is diagnosed with blood cancer every 3 minutes!! And children are more likely to get blood cancer due to environmental factors, radiation,  chemicals,  and eta.

Also, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Type 1 Diabetes, and Brain Damage. Are these really not reversible?

Preserve today and save your family tomorrow.

What is Cord Blood?

When your baby is born, the blood left inside the umbilical cord is very special. It contains powerful hematopoietic stem cells, which have a 30-year history of saving lives.  Cord blood banking, also known as newborn stem cell preservation, is the process of saving the remaining blood in the umbilical cord, after birth, for potential future use.

Cord blood and bone marrow are sources of stem cells that are currently being used in transplant medicine to replace damaged blood and immune systems with healthy cells. It is proven to treat over 80 diseases including Leukemia, Lymphoma, Tumor,s and eta:

Autism, Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, and Type 1 Diabetes are currently under clinical trials. The research has shown significant results in reversing many inabilities. Please refer to these links:


– Autism: https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/health/autism-cord-blood-stem-cells-duke-study/

– Cerebral Palsy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojjT4yRd5Es

– Alzheimer’s disease: https://cells4life.com/alzheimers-disease-and-stem-cells/

– Brain Injury: https://parentsguidecordblood.org/en/news/developing-new-treatments-traumatic-brain-injury

Who can use cord blood?

The Baby – A Perfect Match

A baby’s own cord blood is always a 100% match for the baby, making an autologous transplant or infusion the preferred method for treating many conditions because the risk of graft-versus-host disease is minimal.

Siblings—including 2nd or 3rd children

Siblings from the same parents have a 75% chance of being a perfect or partial match (25% chance of being a perfect match and a 50% chance of being a partial match).


The child’s cord blood is always a 50% match for either parent. By the small chance the parents share HLA markers, the number of matching HLA markers between the child’s cord blood and his or her parents could increase beyond 50%. Even though parents are not usually more than a 50% match, they do have the ability to undergo a haploidentical transplant using the baby’s cord blood.

Advantages of Cord Blood in Transplant Medicine 

Easy to collect

There is no pain or risk for the mother or baby in extracting the blood from the umbilical cord, and the collection process is easily performed at the same time as the cutting of the umbilical cord. Bone marrow collection, on the other hand, requires an invasive, surgical procedure and general anesthesia, which comes with its own inherent risks.

Better matching

For stem cells to be successfully transplanted, they must be a match for the receiver. Matched stem cells can be found in some public databases, but the chance of finding a match is very low and complications can arise with unrelated blood transfusions. Genetically related stem cells from a blood-related family member more often result in a successful transplant. If a public match cannot be found, the patient must often rely on his own stem cells or those from an immediate family member (if available).

Less risk of post-transplant complications

In addition to being better accepted entirely by the body, cord blood stem cells have significantly reduced risk of post-transplant graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). GVHD is when the transplanted cells attack the body. It’s a major complication of stem cell transplants. Part of this better acceptance by the body is because cord blood stem cells have rarely been contaminated with latent viruses. The same is not true for stem cells from other sources. For this reason, cord blood stem cells have been dubbed “privileged” because they haven’t been exposed to any diseases.

California Cryobank FamilyCord




– Largest Cord Blood Bank in the World – 1 Million Cord blood stem cell units!

– Industry leader with 40+ years of history

– 35+ Licenses & accreditations: FDA, AAB, BBBB, CLA

– Using the Newest and most advanced processing methods: AXP & ActivCord

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– Largest egg donor program in the world

– One-on-one Concierge service with flexible Payment options.

We help Intended Parents Create Happy Families via Egg Donation & Surrogacy  with the help of caring Egg Donors & Surrogates.

Learn More, Surrogacy Costs, Why to use an agencyHow we are different, Finding the right carrier, Getting Started

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